I realised I used alot of so and but in my posts.. Haha.. Anyway.. The following is what we have prepared on day 13. Poached salmon with bearnaise sauce, served with boiled parsley potatoes, boiled beans and steamed broccoli.
This dish is very important because it will be tested on skills test the next day.. Everybody paid attention to how it is being prepared during the demo.. The first thing to do when step into the kitchen.. As usual, wash your hands, set up the station and be brief by the chef in charge..
After that, collect ingredients and prepare mise en place.. Start by making the court bouillon which is used to poach the salmon. In order for the salmon to be cooked perfectly the temperature of the liquid must be 60 degrees celsius. Once you are able to control the temperature, the time is not a problem.. My thermometer almost spoilt due to the constantly checking of temperature.. Only until the end of the session then I know, never put the thermometer in a pot that is on the induced stove as the magnetic force will spoil it.. -.-"
Another difficulty is the bearnaise sauce. It involved from hollandnaise sauce which I failed terribly the time I made it.. Luckily, I understand what went wrong, the temperature.. So this time round, I've succeeded in making the sauce in first attempt! YEAH~
The others not very difficult.. I also realised that my time management is very bad.. I was late again.. Almost. 20 more seconds to the closing.. So I rushed. Without waiting for my potatoes to be cooked completely, I served it.. And I got 0 for that. Sad. Others was quite alright so kind of depressing.. My 2nd 0 and I'm absolutely not proud of it. :(
The knife skills session after lunch went fairly well.. Completed within the time given.. Still not very nice.. Rectangles.. Only some of them are perfect square.. Anyway.. I improved.. By a little bit.. Better than nothing.. Haha..
Then we went to change and went for the apel class. Apel class is really like the cme lesson in secondary school.. -.-" The topic for the week was relationship. The task given by the tutor to be completed by next lesson is: do something positive for the person you picked. And that lucky person is none other than the girl sitting next to me. YY! Haha..
The quote I picked was not easy to understand:
"Everything that I understand, I understand only because I love"
Interesting quote isn't it? That sums up the whole day in school.. After I reached home, it the same old routine. Eat, watch tv, bathe.. Then I did something different.. I picked a carrot and practice.. One word, ugly. -.-" Then I made my game plan for the test and went to bed at around 12plus.. Finally I can sleep late without worrying about getting up late :D Cause my shift start around 12 plus so I don't need to reach school that early :)
This is the end of day 13.. Friday, day 14, last day of skills camp week 3, skills test waiting..