It started out with power point presentation of attractive pastries and CHOCOLATE!
Then we move on to the introduction lecture.. Which involves chemistry, one of my worst subject in secondary school.. We had a short break after that..
Next in the schedule, plate dessert. We learnt all about the plate dessert. Chef demostrate how to make cream anglaise, crepe with green apple and apple chip with caramel sauce and cinnamon ice cream and sugar hazel nut. There's also apple wine in it! I thought we will only be able to take a bite to taste, just like what we did the last 3 weeks.. To my surprise, they gave us a portion each! Talk about about production.. Anyway, the combination of all those apples ingredients, the taste is so perfect. I'm addicted to it. In fact, everyone couldn't get enough of it! After eating the crepe, lunch doesn't seem that appealing anymore...
Right after lunch.. Guess what? We had a delicious lecture on chocolate :) We learnt about how the cocoa beans are harvested, the process of making chocolate and the types of chocolates ^^ We can't wait for the lecture to end.. Cause after that, is the demo for chocolate making! This means we'll have chocolate to eat!
Placed on the table were 5 small containers. Each of us get to smell and taste how different types of chocolate taste like.. 1st one: White chocolate. 2nd: Milk. 3rd: dark. 4th: cocoa mass (unsweetened cocoa, used to make chocolate) 5th: compound chocolate (cheapest, does not uses cocoa butter). I like dark chocolate the most :)))
1st, chef shows us how to crystallise the chocolate (agitate it). Then how to mould it.. And fill it up with more chocolate! We also get the chance to try 3 different type of chocolate container.. (I forgot its name) They are produced by the most experienced chocolatier.. Its a egg-like chocolate with a hole on top, which enables you to fill it up fillings and later close the hole with chocolate.
The chocolate making process is looks simple yet complicated to explain.. I took home some of my chocolate for my mum.. And of course, I took a picture of them. Not all of them cause most are already eaten in school :P The ones that chefs made for us, some are filled with alcohol. The flavour is strong and lasting. After today's class, I'm stucked. I can't decide what I wanna do anymore.. Western/Asian, Ice cream, pastry or chocolate? Which path should I take? All are so fun and exciting.. Oh my..
Before I end, here's a picture of the chocolates! You can see but you can't eat! So sad.. WAHAHAHA! XD