We had lots of time today cause yesterday we did alot of things.. Early in the morning, we spent 1hour or more on learning how to sharpen our knives and sharpening and honing it.. Not as easy as it seems.. You have to get the angle right at all times.. -.-" I did alot of times still don't quite get it.. Dots.
Then we had a demo again on how to fillet fishie.. I asked chef if we can chop away the head and tail first, like will it be easier.. He say is possible and he try.. He had such a hard time filleting after the head and tail is gone, cause not easy to balance.. Feel bad making him do that.. -.-" Anyway.. We spent less than 1hour to complete 15 red mullets and cleaning up. After doing so many fishes yesterday, we sort of get the hang of filleting.. Just that the fish today, its meat is kinda mushy..
Next we have break for 1hour! We went to the production kitchen to have our food tasting on braised beef and seabass? with pesto linguini.. While we are "tasting" (eating), garde manger team brought out a few trays of finger food! And of course, we get to taste them too.. A cheese ball serve with tomato and tomato sauce, the combination is perfect! Goat cheese tart with a sauce, I tried, its not my taste.. Pineapple/honey drew and prawn kebah with unknown sauce, Some puff that look like curry puff with 2 different type of sauce.. Very crunchy :) We ate so much during the food tasting, lunch I only drink fruit juice plus the leftover fruits (wo de mei ren & honey drew)
Back from break, demo how to cut the chicken.. Completed very quickly.. Then we clean up again (sanitation is extremely important).. After that is the demo for how to cut sole, a flat fish.. The eyes actually grow on the same side.. Quite disgusting and weird..
Anway chef demo how to do then he told us to show him.. So I had to fillet one side for him to see.. Luckily it went quite smoothly.. If not quite embarrassing.. We don't have to remove skin for anything, so I can't practice.. I think most likely I'll break them again. SOBS. After the sole demo, we pan fry the both fish and ate them. Delicious.
There's also a interview with chef.. They're trying to collect feedback on the course so far.. I asked about the degree stuff.. But I only know its conducted by the CIA chefs and the degree is culinary arts and there'll be more practical this time round.. So its something like training to be a chef.. Not enough details.. I just know that when I graduate, I can get into that degree already.. And I intend to do so if possible :)) PLUS, this year freshies are very lucky.. Cause when they do practicum next year, the TCA already expanded! But they're also unlucky cause more places to clean.. Haha. But still.. More rooms!
Today's lecture is on some culinary math? Measurements and some recipes calculation.. Quite boring.. I dozed off a few times for a few seconds.. And I'm sitting at the front row.. Haha. Too tired and bored..
7 more days to June 2! But I'm not buying yet.. No money.. -.-"