Today I'm the sous chef for the day. It is really oh my god. Chef ask me if I was the sous chef the day before, I say no. Me and my big mouth. -.-" It is the last day and we're switching group tomorrow.. I am in charge of preparing the mise en place for tomorrow.
I didn't know what to do so I kept asking chefs.. Bad choice. I think they're trying to scare me.. Cause they told me and everyone else if anything missing or not there tomorrow I'm going to do the demo! This makes me very nervous. I keep going through the list and checking.. From this, I realised I don't make a good sous chef cause I absolutely have no idea what to do. -.-" My first time.. By the way.. It was the same chef who asked me to do the tomato concasse demo the other day.. I wonder if I did something wrong so he wanted me to practice?? Anyway, I had to practice.. SO. No difference. EXPERIENCE. Think on the bright side.
I skipped lunch today cause I couldn't eat anything.. Wasn't in the mood anyway.. Besides everyday lunch is at the same old canteen with food that is seriously not worth the money. So I didn't eat most of the times. This earns me the title of miss picky cause I keep choosing food. But, not nice.. I don't want to waste my money you see.. Haha.. So I drink soy milk (which is too sweet) or just anyhow buy something to eat but never finish. (This waste more food and money right?) I bet I lost alot of weight recently.. From not eating breakfast, lunch and have a sad life. Sooner or later, you can call me miss skeleton. -.-" But I really no mood to eat.. Sigh. Help me.
Back to the culinary theatre.. We have lecture on potatoes and more... Oh ya, I rushed back to check the mise en place for tomorrow again before everyone was back yet. So hardworking of me right? -SKIPPED-
Now at the skills kitchen. We have to make french fries (which is the favourite food of a very cute chef), boiled parsley potato, duchess potato, and egg pasta. We have a new pick up time today. It was very confusing. I didn't realised until my food was submitted. Could have gotten better grades! Oh my gosh. Next time I'll remember to open my mouth and ask.
We start by making the egg pasta. From scratch. Making the well in the flour, mixing it was alright. The difficult part is the kneading. I think I didn't eat much which is the reason for me lacking of strength to knead that dough. I spent quite a LONG time doing it. But still not good enough. Lucky for me, a chef just walk by so I called him for help. It turn out that I used the wrong method.. -.-" Waste my energy.
After the dough set, I flatten it and put it into the pasta machine to cut into linguine. I think the machine don't like me. The pasta all stick together and I have to take them apart before cooking in boiling water.. Waste more time. After evaluation, chef say we have to cook longer and season it better. I would have cooked longer if I understand that confusing pick up time. -.-"
And because we're spending so much time on that pasta making, we totally forgot about the potato that was boiling on the stove. And we didn't drain it in time. Guess it, it became too soft and mushy. All the fibre came off. I quickly put them into oven to harden. Am I smart or what? Haha.. It didn't work perfectly though.. So our boiled parsley potatoes was a failure. Again. SIGH.
Duchess potato. I really wanna cry. I didn't know it had to be that big. So I make the small one. It turned out to be the wrong size. And again, due to that pick up time, I hurried to send my food for evaluation before it was brown enough. Sobs. My result is not worth talking about.
French fries, was alright. But !!!!!!! so the potatoes stick together. Had to cut them. Season was ok.... Best so far even though it wasn't good. Of course, I offered one to the chef I mentioned earlier.. His expression is kinda worry me though.... SIGH. By the way, don't ask about the !!!!! part cause I'm not saying. There's more to come... -.-"
This is the end of day 7. Oh ya, I discover a route to travel back home faster thanks to a new classmate. Haha. So from now on, I'll transfer to that bus instead. Sorry LUR!