Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 8

Today we cooking a main course with appetiser on it. Its something I can't cook at home. Beef steak! Those that happen before we go to the kitchen I think you should know by now, demo. So I'll jump straight to the main point.

The steak.

1st time handling beef steak. Made a mistake. Never wash them. Will contaminate the sink.

Ok, after making that mistake, I wipe my steak dry and put it inside the fridge. Then I start with my first task, making maitre d'hotel butter for the steak. Melt the butter, chopped the parsley finely, add to butter, season butter, mix well, roll and wrapped it, put into fridge, done.

Moving on to the next task, whipped potato. Using the potatoes that has been boiled and dried, I mashed it using the food miller and season. Wrapped with plastic wrap and steam it to keep it warm. Then is the glazed carrot. After cutting oblique cut, place it in pot and glazed it till satisfaction. Then I steamed my broccoli.

While my broccoli is steaming, I season my steak as if salt is added to it earlier, it will lose all those juice. Then I grilled my steak. We have to serve it medium.. I used my thermometer to help me, but I forgot to change F to C so -.-" And my steak is too thin..

I saw my friends' steak is black but mine is brown.. Then I noticed the pan some parts is black. BAD DECISION. I wipe my steak with the black parts.. I shouldn't have done it. Its like drawing legs on a snake. You will know why later..

Anyway.. I make a canal from the whipped potatoes placed it on the plate (wrong one -.-" I used the appetiser plate instead of main course) then I add my broccoli and the glazed carrot. Then the steak with the maitre d'hotel butter on it. And melt the butter slightly under the salamander. *maitre d'hotel butter is a compound butter, butter with additional ingredient*

Actually I do not have to melt it cause my steak is hot enough. But I didn't know then, so I end up putting 2 more times because the butter melted before my dish was evaluated. The last time I was so irritated with the butter that I just told the chef that it melted, she says its ok. -.-" I could have save my energy from running around..

Back to the black part.. Everything was great. The steak, got burnt taste! We couldn't try so we don't know how it taste like.. So colour is not that important.. Sigh. MISTAKE! But she says that me using that thin slice of steak still can cook to medium well is a very good job :) So its not that bad.. Except for that burnt taste. OMG.

I hope this will not come out for the skills test next week cause I can't practice at home and I got no time left now! Pray for me.. But we minus 14marks today for being late. We have to get out of the kitchen by 1pm but we clean too long.. Other groups everytime let us wait, never deduct but we.. :( And we're having debrief when the other group arrived.. Compared to them, when we arrived they're still cleaning, the difference is so big.. Haiz. I just hope my station will not bring everybody else speed down..

I wanna be happy!!!! I'm trying to.. But happiness seems so far away from me recently..