It all started on last Tuesday, immediately after I reached home, I felt sick.. Luckily, SM & A who sent me home wasn't sick.. Or else.. Don't wanna think about it.. At first I thought its just the temperature difference since I got down from a car, which is air conditioned. But its not. I took my temperature, it was 37+ then.. I couldn't finish my dinner, in fact, the whole day I didn't eat much.. Lunch was only a big cup of iced milo.. Took some panadol and went to bed at 8 plus. Woke at 11plus to take medicine again, then my temperature became 38.3.. I pray that the fever will go away in the morning and went back to sleep..
In the morning, I woke up at around 6 to get ready for school.. Only to find out that my temperature had become 39.5.. I took at least 5 more times before I was convinced that the thermometer is not spoilt. Had to stay home cause no point going, I'll get sent back anyway.. Late morning, I had a severe headache and went to see the doctor, and get mc.. He said if next day my fever go down, I'll be able to go to school.. I was so happy back then.. Cause after going to school for so long, it feels kinda weird staying home on weekdays..
At night, my headache became worse and my temperature became 39.8. So my mum took to the hospital. Until now, I'm still not sure if that is the right thing to do.. But what's done can't be undone.. So... Sigh.
In the hospital, registration was quite fast.. It's the waiting for my turn.. I'm at the emergency side, then the nurse said I wasn't supposed to be there when the other nurses in front just told us to come here and we've already paid to see the doctor. Since we've paid, she had no choice but let us stay..
The doctor made me go for all sorts of tests.. Draw blood to test (1st hole), urine test, x rays.. Then he said the blood test result will be out latest at 11.30pm. LIAR. We waited till 12am still no sound from him. When we checked with the nurse, she say she don't have my file. What the hell. -.-" After another 15mins at least, the doctor see us for 5mins say everything is normal, I can go home but on mc. Then he pressed my stomach area, I say pain, then I have to stay in the hospital for one night. That's what he said. But apparently, I've stay more than just one night. And that doctor, without informing us of anything, suddenly went out and never return for very long. We only know that there was a emergency after we asked a nurse. He should at least tell us that he go attend to an emergency, how long will that take to inform us?
When he's back, he told my mum to register my stay. Then he assured us that no needles is required throughout the stay, I'm just going to sleep here, that's all. Lying again. Right after my mum is gone, he asked me to lie down on the bed and use that horrible thing to pierce through my vein so that he can put me on drip (2nd hole). It was so pain till I cry. He told me I can't eat or drink anything. Then I was pushed to the waiting area to wait for a bed. The wait took 6hours plus.. By the time I got a bed, it was close to 7am..
The doctors only came at around 9am. 5 of them. Their conclusion is I have to take another scan. And cause of that, I can't eat or drink till I have the scan.. Which they don't know when will take place. But I thought patient should have enough food and water to fight the illness, if food can't, at least water right? But CAN'T. To think I've finally gained 1kg.. -.-" No wonder when patient discharged from hospital they're always thinner.. A few of the bed around me also says no food or drink.. -.-" I never felt this thirsty before till now..
At 12, they finally confirm that the scan will take place at 3.45pm. I already without food and drink for more than 12hours. So I kept asking if I can at least drink water.. Around 1, the nurse gave me 3 slices of wholemeal bread, 2 cube of butter, and 1 small cup of milo. The bread I only ate 1 then drink the milo.
3pm, they made me drink 1 bottle of disgusting water with some medicine inside, say it will aid the scan. I drank about 3/4, till I feel like vomiting then I stop. The scan was quite alright but I had a bad headache.. Somewhere near the end, they took my hand and say they going to put a blue needle inside. Sharp pain (3rd hole).
Next day, my left hand with the drip thingy pain, had to change side. Right side pierce through again (4th hole). More pain. Left side remove the thingy, pain(5th hole). Nurse came to do more blood test. Draw (6th hole) blood, longer than usual, pain pain pain! I had to asked the nurse to confirm that there isn't anymore needles. Throughout the first 3 days inside, my fever went up and down like roller coaster. One second I was well, then the next I was shivering cause I got fever again.
There's nothing to do in there except sleep. My ward is full of senior citizen and they speak dialect. So my mum bought me a soft toy to keep my company.
On Saturday, Edison came to visit me and brought me some entertainment. His psp, haha. With a movie inside :) He also bought me a bottle of orange juice and this! See below.
A teddy bear plus a bouquet of roses ^^
Edi the bear! So cute right?
Maybe cause of the good luck, the doctor came at around 6 and say the whole day I don't have a fever and let me discharge! Yeah~ I'm soooooo happy to go home. No need to hear that annoying woman keep complaining about stupid things. I seriously pity the nurse. But anyway, I'm so glad to be home :):):)