Why this year every time I wanna go out will clash with other things? A few weeks ago even worse.. 2 birthday party plus a date and work.. How to juggle? In the end I had to miss the parties cause of timing clashes.. Can't meet up with my friends.. At least he was there to accompany so its not that bad.. But if only they're on different days.. Then it will be awesome! Too bad it isn't..
Service is finally over.. However, I don't feel the sense of achievement that I should.. Being steward most of the time, how much have I learnt? I have no idea.. All the other things I only tried once or twice.. So much for all these months.. Sigh. Anyway, its already over. What else can I say? I'm tired of saying them over and over especially when the people who are concerned are not listening.. So no point in continuing to make myself more depressed than I already am..
After this week, its the exam.. Haven't really started on my revision yet.. Been so busy with projects and stuff.. Sigh. I'm so dead.
I haven't seen him for quite awhile.. I also didn't visit my grandparents for quite some time.. Both I wanna go but I can't be at both places at the same time :( And mum is not very happy about the fact that I might show up later.. Sigh. HOW??! I'm having internal conflict now.. Whether to spend more time with him cause it's valentine's day or spend more with my family cause it's new year? AHHHHHHHHHH! I don't want either party to think that I'm prioritize them over another.. Both equally important to me :( HELP! DORAEMON I NEED YOUR HELP! :( I wanna cut myself into half then problem solved already :( SOBS