Friday, March 19, 2010


One more day to off :)

Today there's more orders than usual, like finally haha. But I didn't do much cause apparently I was too slow :( Oh well.. TODAY IS PIZZA DAY! Everybody order pizza.. So many orders.. -.-

Just did the regular stuff.. Only new things I did was, lamb stew, quesadilla (its super nice!), jazz burger plus the bread stuff.

Need to increase speed for slicing onions. Oh, I sautéed the onions too. Learnt about the fisherman basket..

According to the new email, we had to stick to the standardised recipe and presentation.. WHICH MEANS, I have to forget about the things I learnt this week! :( Sigh.

Tomorrow is pudding and mushroom sauce and patty and more!!! WHEE~!

My feet for some reason is very pain after work today.. Just saw the new schedule, I had to work morning and night shifts = opening and closing.. THANKS TO THAT MR.A from previous post. He is still very annoying, complaining today AGAIN and PUSHING BLAME AGAIN. Can't stand him.. Luckily he'll be transferring to some other place soon :) So is one of my mentor :(