Yesterday I got lost while going to work, again. But today I didn't.
Yesterday I brought a lot of things to work. Today I don't have to.
Yesterday I had a good day at work. Today I had a good day too.
Yesterday I've learnt alot of things. Today I learnt more and try to master some.
Yesterday I couldn't reach you. Today I could but I wish I can't.
Yesterday you didn't bother and its the same as Today.
Yesterday I fell asleep crying. Today I cried before I sleep.
Yesterday I think about you. Today I think I should forget about you.
Yesterday you didn't try. Today you try harder to kill me.
Yesterday yesterday I was fortunate. Yesterday Today I'm not.
I was happy before but now I'm not.
You used to care but now you don't.
Other people showed more concern than you. And you still think that you did nothing wrong.
You thought I don't know but actually I know.
I used to know you but now I don't.
I'm so tired but I can't lean on you.
So sad but I can't tell you.
So happy but I can't share with you either.
Angry and you won't listen.
Sick, where are you?
Yet you are there when I needed something, when I need help desperately.
Is that really you? The one who is there?
You are there but you are not here.
Or you have a split personality?
I tried saying but it won't come out.
Tried to give up so many times but I just couldn't do it..
I can only cry.
Things that I can tell no one. Nobody knows the truth.
Truth hurts, it already killed me.
But I can't say..
I can't tell you why..
So don't ask.
Just lend me your shoulder to cry..
Maybe one day when my tears all dried up, my miseries will all be gone.