Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Walk here walk there.. So tiring.. At least, I'm earning now.. But so far still broke.. Kinda still living on baby's.. In fact.. I've been living from him since he's in ns? :/ Super generous.. But still we're not married.. At least not yet. So only use when I have to.

Getting used to working again.. The people here are.. Quite interesting.. Only got one person that I can't stand. Freaking annoying. I admit you have more experience than me in terms of hands-on cause you work longer than me. Which is only natural cause you are like, 10 years older than me? But it doesn't mean that whatever you do is right and others are wrong. I believe what my school taught me is right. Seriously can't stand him. I just ignore him now.. T.T

Food around work area is so expensive T.T One meal cost my 3 hours pay.. Oh my god.