I think 3rd day that part I said earlier is enough.. So I will go to day 4 now..
Day 4 we made consomme and cream of broccoli.. Everybody succeeded in making consomme, including me. It wasn't that difficult.. You just have to add all the ingredients and seasoning to the pot before the raft is formed. When the raft (the egg white) start forming, do not stir. Then let it simmer.. After the consomme is ready, just strain it before serving and add some garnish with brunoise cut vegetables like mirepoix used. Consomme is a clear soup so the brunoise garnish must be precise as guest will be able to see what is in the soup. Just a reminder, always use cold water when preparing consomme so that the egg white will be able to absorb the impurities.
Cream of broccoli was said to be one of the easiest soup to prepare but.. Mine was a failure.. It wasn't thick enough.. Why? I haven't blend the soup when I only left 10mins before pick up time.. I was in such a rush that I just scoop randomly into the blender.. It turned out that I added more liquid than vegetables.. As a result, not creamy and thick enough so I only get a 5 for this.. Sigh.
Above is what happened in the skills kitchen. Now is the part before skills kitchen. Knife skills. This is so embarrassing. I think the chefs remember my name by now.. Not a very good thing.. I was called up to demonstrate how to cut tomato concasse the right way. I got a shock when my name was called. So I panic, sort of. Here's the embarrassing part. I was trembling the whole time when I'm at the counter. -.-" This caused my whole body to shake. And the shaking is those very obvious type. I can hear the other commis chef giggling when I'm slicing the tomato.. Sigh. My mind is in peace, my hands stopped but the leg refused to listen. So because of that, my whole body never stop shaking.. THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING. Please don't remind me of this incident cause I don't want to remember it again. -.-"
You have come to the end of day 4. There's more to come..
PS: I'm still emo-ing. More than ever.