Day 5, lecture, clean up and skills kitchen.
Everyday, we'll start the day with the usual attire check. As usual, I got full marks for professionalism. Wahahaha! Ok, but before the check, as usual, I will have tons of problem with my disobedient neckerchief who refused to be tied nicely the first round and my baby hairs. I remember once I got so irritated with this baby hair which like to be outside, I plucked it out. It was extremely pain cause I realised it wasn't just a strand. -.-" And that hair really like me so much that instead of falling to the ground, it lie on my apron. But luckily, it didn't get me into trouble. If not.. I sure going to cut it again.
As usual, after the check, we'll go into the culinary theatre for demo from chef. Today menu is sauces. After the demo, we cleaned up the demo counter, prepare the mise en place for monday and went for lunch. Right after lunch is lecture on vegetables, rice and pasta cookery. I doubt you are interested in hearing me repeat the lecture stuff so I'll just jump straight to skills kitchen.
We have to use the roux we learnt a few days earlier to make the sauces. I'm so bad at the roux, I thought it will ruin my sauce, but it didn't. I used the singer (son-shay) method, which works perfectly for me. :) We made bechamel sauce using white roux, espagnole sauce using brown roux and tomato sauce. My bechamel sauce was thick enough. Using nappe method, I though my espagnole was thick enough, but it was a little too thin.. Oh well.. As for the tomato sauce, chef said if it was too acidic we should add sugar to it. I tasted mine a little sour, but I didn't add sugar to it. And I was right, it was just nice. Yeah!
Just one accident today.. I stir the tomato sauce too hard that it splash onto my uniform, apron etc.. Everybody uniform looks sparkling clean, unlike mine. From debrief all the way to the locker room, I used my file to cover the stain. -.-"
This week, week 1 of skills camp, I lost alot of blood. Even though I only cut myself on the first day. My wound keep opening and bleed. -.-" Poor me. Wounds on my fingers has healed. Wound on my wraist that the knife slice me when it drop into the sink while I'm washing, also healed. But not other place. You know where.