Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 42

First day at pastry side, under chef T ^^

He briefed us on what we'll be doing everyday.. For his side, we'll be producing for the top table dessert and some cake orders..

So the first thing we did is make some sauces.. Dark chocolate sauce and caramel sauce.. Then we slice the bread for upstairs in top table.. Slicing is so fun when you know the right techniques.. Hehe.

Since it's our first day, we went up to show the people upstairs how to plate the parfait and learning how to plate at the same time.. It's the exact same thing that I ate on Tuesday, my dining experience ^^

Chef plated one for us and the service people to see then he told us to make another sample.. It looks a little different from what chef did but is similar.. Hehe. After that we go back to the kitchen to make pate e choux to make profiteroles for next week menu.

The choux is really X.X I sucks at piping.. And today I piped the most things =.= So ugly.. But I managed to get the hang of it after many trays later.. And I didn't use the stencil anymore.. I think I had enough of all that choux. Haha.. And the piping..