Wednesday, September 23, 2009

again and again

I'm sick again. How great. It has been more than 2 weeks since I had that cough.. Last Saturday, it finally rebel and start a riot. Guess what that virus did? It became worse.

Then I had fever, flu, cough, headache, body ache, and even vomited a few times. Within 3 days, I lost 3.5kg. Cause I only had like 1 & 1/2 meal in total? You won't believe what's my current weight.. 42kg.. Can't even eat or sleep properly. Keep waking up in the middle of the night and stay awake till the next night and repeat the whole cycle.

I can't eat ice cream, but my whole family is eating in front of me. Great. EGGS! Can't eat them either and I have to see them have it for breakfast. How nice. Can't sleep, can't go out, can't eat, can't watch tv cause of headache, can't use com due to same reason, can't read comics cause my hands no strength. =.= Sigh.

At least today I felt much better.. But I'm not gonna say anything.. Just in case I say and it come back.. I'm so bored. Today is Wednesday, 5th day.. I just weigh myself.. And I lost another kg. Gosh. Going to become skeleton soon :(