Friday, May 29, 2009

additional stuff..

Now then I know that there's red crabs. All kinds of crabs will turn red after cooked, but this is red even prior to cooking. And guess what? You can't eat it. This kind of crab is known as Christmas island crab. I just researched about it online, saw the picture, its kinda creepy.. A least a few thousands of crabs march from forest all the way to the sea to lay eggs. So scary..

Oh. I got "poisoned" by the oyster.. While trying to open the shell, my finger hit against the shell and got a cut. I went to put a plaster and heard that the shell is poisonous? The chef quickly help me clean my small wound before I paste the plaster.. So nice.. Haha.

And I got one of the book from yesterday! One is better than nothing.. I haven't start reading yet though.. Whole day headache.. So tired. But so fun. I wished I can spend longer time in the kitchen :) I wanna make gnocchi this weekend! And use the carbonara sauce left from last week.. :P Hope will be nice~

Tomorrow my cupboard will be tear off.. Then next week whole week I can't use my room.. Will be renovating.. At least it'll be ready before my day! I can start to furnish my room nicely le! Can't wait :) After throwing away so many useless things and old furniture, I realised my house is actually quite spacious :) MH! If your house too noisy can come my house study now.. Haha!

Tonight have ghost whisperer:D But tomorrow have to wake up earlier. 1. working 2. workers coming.. SAD. I'm so deprived of sleep..